Using Fashion to Inspire Your Interiors


When you’re coming up with ideas to redecorate your space, we tend to look for things online before we look at what we already have. Sometimes the best inspiration can come from your closet. Take a look inside and see what kind of themes you can see – you can easily translate them into design ideas!

Materials can be one of the easiest things to narrow down. I like soft, luxurious fabrics so I prefer textures like velvets, chunky knits, smooth cottons and silks, and leather. When I look in my closet, I can see things that are comfortable but still look a little expensive. Do you prefer lightweight fabric? Are your most worn items soft and baggy, or crisp and tailored?

Another thing to consider is your colour palette. What are the two colours your see the most in your closet? What colours do you feel comfortable in? I have a lot of grey, a lot of black, and a lot of white, but I also have some small pops of pink and different metallics. When I think about what I like in interior design, those are the colours that I would choose.

Make different combinations. Smooth and fluffy. Shiny and matte. Just like you play with accessories for outfits, play around with the things you want in your space. If you don’t have any contrast, both your outfits and your interiors can look monotone and uninteresting. Add something that catches attention, like reflective shoes or an uber-soft fuzzy pillow.

Use your accessories to add something extra. If you’re like me, both your wardrobe and your interiors are pretty neutral and simple without a lot of ‘clutter’. A gorgeous handbag and a beautiful light fixture have the same effect – adding a pop of interest that can instantly elevate your look.

My last piece of advice is to create a mood board with a range of different fashion and home images that you feel drawn to. Seeing them all put together really does help, and makes it so much easier to pinpoint the things you love. From this little board, I can see lots of reflective and sparkly items, a lot of black, and smooth tailored surfaces.

By looking at what we love to wear, we can figure out what will make us feel most ourselves in our space, and that’s the ultimate goal – to design a space where we can see our personality reflected, a space where we actually want to spend time in. I can tell from looking at my closet that my style is definitely comfortable, luxurious minimalism. What can you tell from yours?

blog sig nov 2017

As always, these images are available from my Pinterest, as well as many other images to help inspire you!

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