Wondering what I've been up to in the last few months? Here's a quick update, plus some images that I've loved lately from Instagram!

Life Update + Instagram Lately

Wondering what I've been up to in the last few months? Here's a quick update, plus some images that I've loved lately from Instagram!

I haven’t posted on this blog for several months, and I’ve almost forgotten how to use it! I’d like to say that I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the time, but the truth is that I’ve been experiencing a lot of fatigue and just haven’t been able to work up the energy to devote to a blog post. But today, I finally found a moment of time where I wanted to sit down and just write to you, and I’m so happy to be back on the blog.

Over the past four months, I’ve been taking time to rest and try to get myself back into the mindset of being a designer. I’ve spent the last five weeks taking a retail and hospitality course, to hopefully try and get myself into a job. There’s a lot of home and lifestyle stores in my little town, so fingers crossed that I’ll be able to get a job in one!

I’m trying to set myself little routines to get my life back on track. I’m planning on taking up yoga again, and even converting to vegetarianism to see if it will help with my health. Being so tired all the time has been such a concern to me. I’ve been taking vitamins to supplement my B-12, so I know that that isn’t whats causing it. It’s likely a poor diet combined with a lack of exercise, so those are things I definitely need to work on.

Another thing I’m looking into is taking some online courses about design, business, and even cooking. Even if it’s mostly watching free YouTube videos, I really would like to get back into educating myself. Another part of that is taking up a few hobbies to keep my mind working, and I’ve picked learning how to cook better, and learning how to dance.

We’re past the mid-way point of Winter in the south now, and I’m hoping that longer days and brighter sun will help my mood and my energy levels! I’ve felt almost locked inside because of the weather, and getting fresh air and sun on my skin sounds so good right now.

That’s the last of my life updates for now, and I’m ending this post with a little bit of an ‘Instagram Lately’ to help inspire me into keeping on track with my posting! Thank you for listening to me ramble, and I hope life is going good for you!

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Plaid never looked so pretty. 💓

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blog sig nov 2017

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